Nonokura’s review 『ののくら (ののくら)』

Smiling after a 3.5-hour wait at a self-service shop 🍜

It had been a while since my last visit, but I’d definitely been wanting to go back for a while now. However, I kept oversleeping on days when I could go due to the long lines and the need for整理券 (numbered tickets), and I also had to take other people’s schedules into account, so I put pressure on myself to wake up early. I managed to do so successfully and arrived at 7:40 AM, securing my place at the front of the line. The整理券 (numbered tickets) are distributed at 10 AM on Saturdays, but during the 140-minute wait, the line got so long that I couldn’t even see the end of it. Since I was at the front of the line, I was able to go back to the shop around 10:50 AM, but even then, it seemed like there were still整理券 (numbered tickets) left for later times. It would probably be wise to either wake up early and make sure you’re at the front of the line or come later and get a later time slot. (But it’s scary to think about running out of toppings or整理券 (numbered tickets).) I ordered the Special Chinese Noodles with Soy Sauce and Char Siu Rice, both of which I’d been craving for a while. My choices were those of someone who was excited to finally be able to eat there again after a long time. I was impressed by the owner’s cheerful smile and serious gaze as he greeted me. And then the dish I’d been dreaming of for so long was finally placed in front of me. The soup is probably a combination of animal and seafood stock, and it felt like the seafood was slightly more prominent. In any case, the balance was excellent, with the soy sauce playing a strong role. The自家製極太麺 (homemade thick noodles), which are the shop’s signature dish, have an irregular wavy shape, a shiny surface, and a chewy texture. They’re so unique that they could be included in a textbook on the characteristics of多加水麺 (high-hydration noodles). The ingredients all seemed to be carefully prepared, but theチャーシュー (char siu) was particularly noteworthy. It was very thick and had a great texture. Theワンタン (wonton) had a shiny skin and was bursting with meat juice, and the味玉 (flavored egg) was perfectly soft-boiled. It was a dish where no detail had been overlooked. The炙り (lightly grilled) aroma of the Char Siu Rice was also wonderful, and the refreshing sourness of the citrus added a nice touch. It’s always a pain to have to wait in line, but I’ll definitely go back again some time.


Worth the wait! 🍜❤️

After waiting in line for 3.5 hours, I was greeted with the most welcoming smile. The special soy sauce ramen lived up to my expectations with its perfectly balanced broth and bouncy noodles. Despite the long wait, I would definitely come back for more!
(posted by Becky)

Exceptional Ramen at a Great Price!

For its quality and generous portions, the price is oldukça手頃! The thick, chewy noodles and tender, juicy char siu made this bowl of ramen one of the best I’ve had. Highly recommend!
(posted by John)


BrothA harmonious blend of savory animal and seafood flavors.
NoodlesSignature handmade ultra-hydrated noodles with an irregular wavy texture and a delightful chewy bite.
Char SiuThick-cut, melt-in-your-mouth slices of succulent pork.
WontonA burst of juicy meat filling encased in a glossy wrapper.
EggPerfectly executed soft-boiled egg with a vibrant orange yolk.

Store Info

Address1-11-11 Kameari, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo ( マーベラス大協ビル 1F)/東京都葛飾区亀有3-11-11 マーベラス大協ビル1F
AccessApprox. 4 minutes’ walk (290 m) from Kameari Station on the JR Joban Line (Ueno-Toride)/JR常磐線(上野~取手) / 亀有駅 徒歩4分(290m)
Business Hours[Mon-Fri] 11:00-15:00 ※ Saturday is a limited service
Closed OnWednesday ※ Wednesday and Thursday ※ consecutive holidays are provisionally closed
BudgetLunch: up to 1000 yen, Dinner: up to 1000 yen
Credit CardNot available
Capacity6 seats
Private RoomNone
SmokingNot available ※ Please keep the entrance clean and do not smoke until the store information is updated. [?] Contact for smoking and non-smoking details
Reservation ContactN/A
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